The Trylon is proud to present Sissy Spacek: Seemingly Lost, a tribute to one of the more unheralded actresses working today. Today we’ll let the late, great Roger Ebert wax rhapsodic about this little-seen masterpiece, which he considered to be the best film of 1977:
“And so I descend once more into the mysterious depths of 3 Women, a film that was imagined in a dream. Robert Altman’s 1977 masterpiece tells the story of three women whose identities blur, shift and merge until finally, in an enigmatic last scene, they have formed a family, or perhaps have become one person. I have seen it many times, been through it twice in shot-by-shot analysis, and yet it always seems to be happening as I watch it. Recurring dreams are like that: We have had them before, but have not finished with them, and we return because they contain unsolved enigmas.”
Read the rest of the review here–the Great One saw this movie multiple times and seemed to get something entirely new with each viewing.
You’ll have four opportunities to watch 3 Women at the Trylon: Monday at 7:00 & 9:30 and Tuesday at 7:00 and 9:30. Purchase tickets here.