| Nate Logsdon |

Detour plays at the Heights Theater on Thursday, February 13th, as part of our collaboration on the 16th Noir Festival. For tickets, showtimes, and other series information, visit trylon.org.
Fate’s Finger
Fate can put the finger on you or me.
Awful chump to throw away all that dough.
No. Not yet, darling. Tomorrow. Maybe.
Why you dope. Where did you leave his body?
Suppose he doesn’t die… He will, I know.
Fate can put the finger on you or me.
Another one of your brilliant ideas?
Better just sit by and keep your mouth closed.
No. Not yet, darling. Tomorrow. Maybe.
I show you how to make some soft money.
Or is your conscience bothering you? No.
Fate can put the finger on you or me.
I must be ten pounds lighter. You must be.
The same medicine they gave you: a rope.
Fate can put the finger on you or me.
No. Not yet, darling. Tomorrow. Maybe.
Fate’s Foot
I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do.
A mean cough. I help you out of a jam.
That’s life. Fate sticks out a foot to trip you.
But as the minutes passed, the air got blue.
Squeeze as much out of this guy as I can.
I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do.
A death watch. Find yourself another stooge.
You couldn’t pay cash for a postage stamp.
That’s life. Fate sticks out a foot to trip you.
I’ll be alright. That’s what Camille said. Who?
Call the cops. But I still don’t understand.
I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do.
Premeditated. In a jury room.
The police were searching for a dead man.
I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do.
That’s life. Fate sticks out a foot to trip you.
Edited by Olga Tchepikova-Treon
Wow. Gotta see this.