I Feel You, Man: Ridley Scott’s The Duellists

Harvey Keitel as Feraud standing on a cliff overlooking a river and fields

|MH Rowe| Of course we’re supposed to condescend to the idea of a duel. To imagine two people—two men—agreeing to mortal combat with guns or swords over a breach of honor strikes the contemporary and perhaps cynical observer as so fussily absurd, so absurdly dramatic, and so male, that we… Continue reading

Harvey, the Haughty Hussar

Feraud (Harvey Keitel), a light-skinned, brown-haired man with a mustache and two skinny hair braids, is sitting down with a person on his right whose face is obscured by Feraud's hand. He is wearing a white shirt with a thick black collar, and looking slightly off-camera.

|Alex Kies| In 1977, two years after Stanley Kubrick released Barry Lyndon, Ridley Scott made his filmmaking debut with The Duelists, his own artfully shot Napoleonic epic about the inner lives of petty European men played by incongruously cast Americans. Last year, Scott made… Continue reading