A Stanley Kubrick Christmas: Intense Paranoia and Masquerade Orgies

Masked group at the orgy staring ominously.

| Dan Howard | Eyes Wide Shut plays at the Trylon Cinema from Friday, January 17th through Sunday, January 19th. Visit trylon.org for tickets and more information. There’s certainly something about the holiday season that strikes a chord with filmmakers. Whether it’s Todd Hayne’s Carol, Tim Burton’s Batman Returns, or Shane Black’s Kiss Kiss Bang… Continue reading

For Better and Worse, A.I. Artificial Intelligence is Where Spielberg and Kubrick Meet

David (Haley Joel Osment) and Gigolo Goe (Jude Law) in Rouge City—a futuristic, brightly lit environment filled with holograms and flashing lights.

|Ryan Sanderson| A lot of digital ink has been spilled over the origins of A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Writer-director Steven Spielberg never tried to pawn it off as a straight-up Stanley Kubrick enterprise (it’s one of only three films in Spielberg’s career on which he takes both credits… Continue reading